Since 2003
16 years focus on office space
3000 + successful customer witness
600 + independent excellent team
No matter how imaginative and creative your ground, wall, ceiling design is, let panDOMO series s...
PD Epoxy Grout and Tiling System is suitable for commercial and residential area such as kitchen,...
PD Basement Solution can be applied in areas that easily get humid in internal renovation, such a...
PD Kitchen and Bathroom Solution could be applied in areas that easily get humid in internal reno...
ARDEX PD is a well-known series of Ardex group Germany. PD, Premium Decoration, provides the whole system solution based on the technology supported by headquarter R&D and centralized quality control standard. The systems are including damp/waterproof, adhesive, grout, surface design and impact sound reduction acoustic solutions, etc. With integrated German standard application requirements, we provide you the advanced service with high quality.
APPLICATION Ideal for walls and floors at interior and e...
APPLICATION AREA Ideal for walls and floors at interior ...
APPLICATION AREA As a negative hydrostatic pressure resi...
FDA is one of the executive agencies set up by the U.S. government in the Department of health and human services (DHHS) and the Department of public health (PHS). Many products of Deyou can meet the requirements of FDA for food contact and pollution-free.
It is widely recognized in Germany and Europe for the environmental protection certification of GeV emicade products. There are three types of certification that meet the requirements of emicade: EC1 plus, EC1, EC2. Relevant products of Deyou have obtained the highest level certification of EC1 plus.
Nowadays, the second generation of green building certification system in the world has been recognized by many international organizations, including UNEP. As a member of dgnb Association, PD Deyou pays more attention to the overall ecological environment in addition to product environmental protection.
Commercial space outlook Natural stone laying effect Laying structure SOGO (Hong ...
Nanjing Sun Palace overview Nanjing Sun Palace - split brick system Nanjing Sun Palac...
Sailing hotel Hotel floor laying of natural stone Structure Burj Al Arab Hotel w...
Parking ramp Top view Rampway Guangzhou Porsche 4S store has 400m rampway with problems...
General panoramic Close-up Decorative natural stone - laying structure Sujian Scho...
Processed with VSCO with a6 preset WELCOME, FRIENDS! It’s here, the nesting season so many of us look forward t...
Atlanta Homes I‘ve been in the mood lately to make some updates to our living room and dining room. And not just because it’s officially THE FIR...